Cyber Security Assessments & Health Checks

As a leader in the cyber security space, Vectra can provide comprehensive assessments for your IT security vulnerabilities and risks.

With our team of professionals, we will identify weaknesses in your security systems to prioritise risks to your assets.

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Security Health Check

Our team will perform a security health check to help you manage risks to your data. This process involves:

  • Evaluating the maturity of current information security capabilities
  • Identifying weak areas
  • Providing recommendations on ranking areas for security remediation

Our security services go beyond a technical focus. We take a holistic view of people, processes and technology while providing an understanding of overall risk posture. If requested, we can also undertake an in-depth code review and test your whole security architecture.

If you need to meet particular security compliance needs, please let us know. Vectra is an industry leader in a range of compliance standard, including:

Security Assessment

Assessments are used to identify, estimate and prioritise risks to operations and assets. Ultimately, these help manage weaknesses to limit the threat to your data.
When a business is focused on money transactions, undergoing a security risk management process is even more important.

Things to think about:

  • How your organisation makes money
  • How employees and assets affect the income of the business
  • What risks could result in large monetary losses for the company

Afterwards, it is important to learn how to enhance your IT infrastructure to reduce large financial risks.

At Vectra our risk assessment involves only three factors:

  • The importance of the assets at risk
  • How critical the threat is
  • System vulnerability to that security threat

Using those factors, you can assess the risk—the likelihood of money loss by your organisation.

Although risk assessment is about logical constructs, not numbers, it is useful to represent it as a formula:

Risk = Asset x Threat x Vulnerability.

Remember, anything times zero is zero. If the threat factor is high and the vulnerability level is high but the asset importance is zero (in other words, it is worth no money to you), your risk of losing money will be zero.

How Vectra can help

Vectra can conduct thorough assessments and health checks over your security infrastructure. We can assist you by:

  1. Interview management, data owners and other employees
  2. Analysing your systems and infrastructure
  3. Reviewing documentation