Global Contribution
“The optimist invents the aeroplane; the pessimist invents the parachute.”
George Bernard Shaw
Suppose a product is introduced to the market. In that case, it is not always guaranteed that it has already reached its optimum and flaw-free phase–problems and issues may still arise, especially when being tested in different environments, various degrees of attacks, and compatibility with users.
Unfortunately, cyber security solutions are not exempted in this narrative.
How to identify vulnerabilities, and how does this help product development?
You may have heard of ethical hacking by now. However, for the benefit of those who are still not yet familiar with the term: Ethical hacking is the act of intentionally infiltrating a system to identify which areas need improvement.
This also helps security specialists determine how these weak spots affect the product’s performance and quality in securing the database. Therefore, providing insights on how research is done to enhance the development further.
Vulnerability discoveries worth mentioning.
We’re proud to share with you that Vectra Corporation’s very own Senior Penetration Tester, Lukasz Studniarz, has recently received his CVE identification for being the first researcher to have successfully identified three (3) vulnerabilities of security software, namely: CVE-2020-26525, CVE-2020-26526, and CVE-2020-26527 with respective base scores of 9.1 (Critical), 5.3 (Medium), and 9.8 (Critical).
How do these discovered vulnerabilities affect security?
Once these vulnerabilities, including ones that Lukasz discovered, are proven, their vendors will be notified to either potentially dispute the claims or gauge the appropriate solutions for the inefficiencies.
This will, of course, trigger more possibilities for product improvement and help vendors create better and transformative services and solutions.
Again, congratulations to Lukasz for his massive achievements as a contributor to the global security arena.